The Basenji University

309 Useful Books About Basenjis

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This page covers general books about the Basenji breed, books intended to help you understand Basenjis and compilations of titled Basenjis.  Some books are about raising a Basenji and these will help you when you need to advise potential and new Basenji owners.

There is one website that Basenji breeders around the world need.  Sally Wallis maintains a Basenji Pedigree Database which can be found by searching the web.

Basenji Club of America, 1999, African Stock Project, BCOA. Binders with information on native stock Basenjis exported from Africa. Regularly updated and now followed as the African Stock Project on the BCOA website.

Basenji Club of America, 1965. Year Book 1965, BCOA.

           Year Book 1965      The Barkless Dog      

Basenji Club of New South Wales, Basenjis in Australiasia, photos and pedigrees from 1969-2005 in three volumes but soon to go onto CD.

Bickering, B, and Brach, R. J., 1962. The Barkless Dog: A Handbook for the Basenji Owner, Exposition Press, 38 pages.

Camino Books Inc., 1988. Basenji Champions, 1982-1986, Camino E.E. & B. Co., 96 pages. ACamino E.E. & B. Co., 96 pages. A collection of photos and pedigrees supplied by some breeders. New issues in 1945-1981, 1987 - 2003 and 2004 - 2011.

         Basenji Champions 1982-1986       A Basenji for Me

Cardew, Mirrie, 1979 and 1986. A Basenji For Me, Midlands Counties Publications, 48 and 36 pages respectively.

           Basenji Stacked and Moving 1978      Basenji Stacked and Moving 1987

Cole, Robert W., 1977. The Basenji Illustrated: An Illustrated Explanation of the Basenji Breed Standard, limited first edition published by author and reissued 1978, published by the author, 118 pages.  1987, The Basenji Stacked and Moving: An Illustrated Explanation Based on the Basenji Standard, Cole Book Imprint, 188 pages.  Reissued in 1996 published by Doral Publishing.

          The Basenji: Out of Africa to You First Edition       The Basenji: Out of Afirca to You Second Edition       The Basenji: Out of Afirca to You Third Edition

Coe, Susan, 1990, The Basenji, Out of Africa to You, Doral, 341 pages. Reissued in 1994 and updated in 2000.

Cotter, Maria W.,1996. The Secondhand Basenji Handbook: The Guide to Adopting and Living With a "Rescued" Basenji, Windigo, 264 pages.

          Secondhand Basenji Handbook     Basenji

Cunliffe, Juliette, 2002 and 2005, Basenji, Interpet Publishing (2002),Kennel Club Books (2005), 155 pages.

Evergreen Basenji Club, 1986, Basenji Owners Manual, Published by EBC, 49 pages. This publication has been updated many times over the years.

          Basenji Owners Manual     The Complete Basenji

Ford, Elspet, 1993, The Complete Basenji, Ringpress, 160 pages.

Freund, Jan L. 1986. Basenji Champions, 1945-1981, Camino E.E., 152 pages.

Green, Evelyn M., 1976. Your Basenji, Denlinger's, 128 pages.

          Your Basenji      Basenji, Dog rom the Past     Basenji Dog from the Past

Johnson, Forrest Bryant 1967. The ancient history of the Basenji: a study of the dog in ancient Egypt and his early migration throughout Africa, Published by author, 44 pages.

Johnson, Forrest Bryant, 1970. Basenji, Dog from the Past, Self-published, 1978 revised, self-published and 1991, A Thousand Autumns Pr, 67 pages.

Kenworthy, Mary Lou, 1998. Understanding the Practical Application of Genetics, published by author.

Kenworthy, Mary Lou, 1990, So You Want to Buy a Basenji, So You Want to Course Your Basenji and So You Want to Enjoy Your Basenji, 3 booklets published by author.

          Basenji      Buy a Basenji     Course Your Basenji     Enjoy Your Basenji

Kenworthy, Mary Lou, 2006. Basenjis (Complete Pet Owners Manual), Barron's Educational Series, 95 pages.

Limouzy,Christian, 1996. Le Basenji, De Vecchi, 1996.

Löwbeer, Mia, Fornell, Lotten and Selinus, Elisabet, 1997. Basenji Champions 1951-1996 i Sverige, M. Löwbeer, 144 pages.

Magnolia Basenji Club, 1971, Magnolia Basenji Club Handbook, MABC.

Northern Basenji Society, 1991, The Basenji Year Book 1991, self-published.

Palukka, Petra, 2007. Basenji Suomen Suosituimmat Koirarodut, Perhemediat, 181 pages.   

           How to Raise and Train a Basenji     How to Raise and Train a Basenji     How to Raise and Train a Basenji

Shafer, Jack and Mankey, Bob, 1966. How to Raise and Train a Basenji, T.F.H. Publications, 64 pages.

Shafer, Jack and Mankey, Bob, 1990. Basenjis, T.F.H. Publications, 64 pages. , 192 pages.

Steele, Marie E. and Field, Barbara A., 1967, At Home with Basenjis, self-published, 44 pages. 1988 reissued, revised and published by the Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin.

          At Home with Basenjis     At Home with Basenjis     The Years of the American Basenji

Russell, Melody and Coe, Susan, 1980, The Years of the American Basenji, published by authors, several large binders of photos and pedigrees of American titled Basenjis which have been supplied by the fancy. This was a record of pedigrees before computerized pedigrees came along.

Thackrah, Ron, Why A Basenji a booklet self-published by Ron Thackrah, England.

Troisi-Hoerr, Carmella, Kenworthy, Mary Lou and Butler, Karen, Where Have All the Old Dogs Gone, self-published.

          A Handbook 1995096

The Basenji Owners and Breeders Assocation, A Handbook 1995-96, self-published.

          Baesnjis, the Barkless Dogs     Basenjis, the Barkless Dogs      Basenjis, the Barkless Dogs      Fula, Basenji from the Jungle

Tudor-Williams, Veronica, 1946, Basenjis, The Barkless Dog, self-published. This is the red cover edition. Additional publications dates are 1954 and 1976. The 1954 edition, the blue cover edition, has new photos that were not in the 1946 edition. 1976 Veronica Tudor-Williams revises and updates "Basenjis, The Barkless Dogs of Central Africa." (Published by David & Charles. London.) Due to publisher's errors in the preparation Veronica issues an addendum.

Tudor-Williams, Veronica, 1988. Fula: Basenji from the Jungle, published by author, 109 pages.

Wilson-Stringer, Jayne and Ford, Elspet, 1978, Basenji Champions 1937-1977, self-published, 152 pages.

Wilson-Stringer, Jayne and Ford, Elspet, 1978, Basenji Champions 1978-1989, self-published, 152 pages.


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