Saturday, October 17th - Coursing and Possible Racing Sunday
October 18th - Coursing and Possible Racing Monday
October 19th - Sweeps / African Match / Evening Events
Tuesday, October 20th – Conformation / Evening Events
Wednesday, October 21st – Conformation Concludes
Obedience, Rally, Agility will not be offered due to the logistics of holding these events outdoors, and the uncertainly of being to move indoors in the event of an emergency / hazardous weather. REMEMBER: All of this is contingent on the progress of COVID-19 and the State of Missouri, Franklin County rules and regulations in place at the time. Franklin County COVID-19 rules, statics, and information can be found at
AKC Conformation COVID-19 Suggested Best Practices
AKC Lure Coursing COVID- 19 Suggested Best Practices